國際英語演講稿 模板1
on nelson mandela international day, i join women and men across the world in honouring a man whose strength, vision and magnanimity changed south africa and the course of the 20th century.
a unesco goodwill ambassador since 2024, nelson mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
the life of nelson mandela is an education to us all – an e_ample of perseverance in overcoming adversity, of courage in braving the steepest challenges, of moral clarity in promoting reconciliation and peace.
nelson mandela has taught the world that the dignity of women and men is the only foundation on which to build just societies. he has shown us that peace is not an ideal, or something abstract, but a way of living, a way of interacting with others and with the world.
on this day, let us pay tribute to nelson mandela by upholding and sharing the values that inspire him. in a world where all societies are transforming and every woman and man faces rising pressures, let us all stay true to the moral compass set by nelson mandela. respect, mutual understanding and reconciliation are the strongest foundations for peace and freedom. in this spirit, we must help others, we must reach across all dividing lines, and we must cherish the world we live in. this is unesco’s message today.
國際英語演講稿 模板2
it is a great pleasure to be with you here in dubai today. let me offer my sincere thanks andappreciation to the united arab emirates for all its efforts in the e_cellent organization andfacilities for this conference. i would like to e_press my thanks to the local authorities of dubaifor their very kind hospitality.
ladies and gentlemen,
i think we are all well aware of the importance of this si_th wtdc, and i am encouraged to seesuch a high level of participation.
what we decide and define here over the ne_t two weeks will shape not just the future of ictdevelopment over the ne_t four years, but the future shape of the very world we live in.
in today’s fast-moving ict sector, four years is a very long time. to see how long that really is,let’s look back to 2024, when we last held the wtdc, in hyderabad, india.
since then the ict landscape has changed in e_traordinary and une_pected ways.
we have seen the number of fi_ed-line subscriptions continue to fall, and there are now around82 million fewer fi_ed-line subscriptions than there were at the beginning of 2024.
this fall in fi_ed lines has been massively more than compensated for by mobile growth over thesame period – with net additions of almost 2.2 billion mobile cellular subscriptions since thebeginning of 2024.
and the great news for this conference is that almost all of this growth has been in thedeveloping world, which accounted for 90% of the net additions – very close to two billion newmobile cellular subscriptions have been added in the past four years.
the same pattern is true of the growth in internet users, where 817 million of the one billionnew internet users over the past four years have come from the developing world.
we have also seen social media continue to skyrocket. when we met in hyderabad, four yearsago, there were around 30 million users of twitter, and 400 million users of facebook. todayhundreds of millions of tweets are sent every day, and facebook has over 1.2 billion users.
does that mean our job is finished?
of course not!
and that’s why we’re all here.
while over three quarters of people in the developed world now have access to the internet,more than two thirds of people in the developing world still do not.
in the developed world, fi_ed and mobile broadband penetration rates at the beginning of 2024stood at 27.2% and 74.8% respectively. in the developing world, they stood at 6.1% and19.8%.
distinguished delegates,
these are powerful numbers, but they also demonstrate the e_traordinary opportunities thatlie ahead.
icts – and in particular broadband networks – offer perhaps the greatest opportunity wehave ever had to make rapid and profound advances in global social and economicdevelopment.
this is of tremendous and timely importance, as we approach the cusp between the mdgsne_t year, and the beginning of the post-2024 development process.
and this of course is why ‘broadband for sustainable development’ has been chosen as thetheme for wtdc this year.
like you, i am convinced that by e_tending access to broadband, countries will quicklyaccelerate sustainable social and economic progress.
by delivering efficiencies across so many areas – from education and healthcare totransportation, water and energy – broadband networks can quickly pay for themselves,creating a virtuous circle of investment, productivity and human development.
to help world leaders see the ways that broadband can accelerate the achievement of themdgs, itu and unesco launched the broadband commission for digital development in 2024,just a few weeks before we last met, in hyderabad.
in this conte_t, and in the conte_t of this conference, it is especially gratifying to seebroadband access growing so rapidly in the developing world – with penetration in thedeveloping world in terms of mobile broadband growing an incredible 50% between thebeginning of 2024 and the beginning of 2024.
ladies and gentlemen,
i am an optimist, and i have tremendous faith that the public and private sectors will worktogether to invest in, and to roll-out, the necessary infrastructure.
they did this so well in the creation of mobile cellular networks in the developing world, and ie_pect to see the pattern continued for broadband.
i am also convinced that in partnership, they will also help create the necessary services thatpeople need, and that we will quickly see enriched content developed and created that will startoff a virtuous circle in stimulating demand.
as this happens, we will rapidly see broadband reach the remotest corners of our planet.
we must make sure that we do not just bring broadband to the people, but that we do soresponsibly. that we preserve cyberpeace and deliver cybersecurity in a world that is alwaysconnected, and always online.
distinguished delegates,
the output from this conference will be fed into the itu strategic plan which will be endorsedby the itu’s plenipotentiary conference in korea in october.
and i hope that many of you will be there to help shape our future as an organization – and tomake sure we adopt a sound strategic and financial plan for the ne_t four years.
so over the ne_t two weeks, let’s dream big!
let’s think about how technological advances might shape the future;
let’s think about what can be done with massive increases in computational power and ever-cheaper memory;
let’s think about what can we do with the cloud, to make the world a better place;
and let’s think about how can we put ever-smarter, ever-more affordable smartphones to useacross the developing world.
let’s be bold!
let’s work together to develop the programmes and projects that will ensure icts really dodeliver a better quality of life – for all the world’s people!
thank you.
國際英語演講稿 模板3
the fight for women’s rights is central to the un’s global mission.
fifteen years ago, in beijing, governments committed themselves to equality, development and peace for all women, in all countries. the beijing declaration was a landmark on the road to women’s empowerment. it has guided policy making.it has inspired women and girls to strive for equality and opportunity, and reminded everyone that this is their right.
we have seen progress. girls are now more likely to receive an education. women are now more likely to run businesses or participate in government. but much work remains. death in childbirth is still too common. too few women have access to family planning. violence against women remains a cause of global shame, and se_ual violence in war is endemic. i have just appointed a special representative to mobilize international action to address these crimes. at the united nations itself, we have more women in senior posts than at any time in history.
securing women’s rights is central to all our hopes for peace, security and sustainable development. as we look back on 15 years of achievement, let us look forward to a world of equality and progress for all.
國際英語演講稿 模板4
thank you, helen clark, administrator of undp, for moderating this very important meeting.
i would like to thank the presidents of the affected african countries – the president of guinea,the president of liberia, and the president of sierra leone – and i would also like to thankpresident mugabe who is participating in his capacity as president of the african union.
and i would also like to thank dr. margaret chan, director general of the who for herleadership.
thank you all ministers and dignitaries who have taken such very valuable time to be with us,to be with the people of africa particularly affected by ebola.
i think we can overcome this one, and i think we are now overcoming it but we have to gountil the end, until we see the last patient cured and there will be no further cases.
i would also like to thank the world bank president, and the imf managing director and themany international and regional development banks, including the african development bankand the islamic development bank, and the european union.
it is a great honour to have you. thank you for accepting my invitation to participate and toshow your solidarity for the people affected by this ebola virus.
e_cellence, mesdames et messieurs,
merci de participer à cette conférence internationale sur le relèvement après l"ebola.
la tâche qui nous attend est immense: il s"agit de concrétiser nos promesses de solidaritéconcrete, tournés vers l"action.
je vous demande de vous joindre à moi pour apporter un soutien durable au_ populations despays touchés par l"ebola.
let me begin by thanking the many donors who have come together, along with governments,civil society organizations, national and international responders, development banks andfoundations, as part of a broad-based global coalition to support the nationally-led responseefforts.
i applaud the african union and its plan to convene an international conference on africa"sfight against ebola later this month in malabo.
i commend the african union for galvanizing african leaders, businesses and communities insolidarity with the affected countries. this regional unity has been essential to bringing theoutbreak under control – and will be critical to effective recovery. i commend the morethan 800 african volunteers who deployed through the au ebola support mechanism.
i also thank the countries that answered my call to send in logistical support, medical teams,crisis managers and aid for safe and dignified burials.
thousands of women and men from within and outside the countries put their lives on the lineto slow the advance of this disease.
thanks to these partners – and too many others to name – we have come a long way incontaining the outbreak.
the general assembly took decisive action, endorsing the un mission for ebola emergencyresponse – unmeer. i thank his e_cellency sam kutesa, president of the general assembly, forhis continued leadership in keeping the membership seized with this issue.
as unmeer prepares to close ne_t month, the un will maintain the dedicated high-levelleadership under who together with the un country teams, in its support to help the affectedcountries get to zero.
the strategy to end the outbreak is working – but the final stretch of the response remainsparticularly challenging.
cases in guinea and sierra leone have been reduced considerably. the response is being fine-tuned to focus on increasing engagement, awareness and contact tracing in the remainingaffected communities.
new cases in liberia show the need for continued vigilance given the regional risks. theliberian government"s proactive actions also underscore how the response strategy haseffectively reinforced national capacities and knowledge to be activated for future outbreaks.
but the impacts of the ebola crisis have been far-reaching and much work is needed to supportthe countries.
the outbreak has eroded progress on peace and development. it has disrupted health andsocial services.
many major economic sectors have been affected: agriculture, mining, trade, tourism,transport, fisheries and livestock. the functioning of schools, hospitals and other publicinfrastructure has suffered.
all of these disruptions have had a negative impact on the economies of all three countries –which were, prior to the ebola outbreak, on a positive growth trajectory.
this negative impact – on economies, livelihoods and more importantly lives – demands thatthe global community continues to prioritize recovery from ebola even long after the crisissubsides. this will be essential to “stay at zero” in order to strengthen resilience towithstand future shocks.
your continued generosity will help the affected countries carry out their plans for recoveryover the ne_t two years.
our shared goal is to build back stronger, safer and more resilient capacities for preventionand response. that means access to health services everywhere – not just in capitals. it meanshealth services equipped to not only respond to e_traordinary outbreaks like ebola, but toaddress malaria, cholera and other common ailments.
investing in guinea, sierra leone and liberia will yield global dividends in preventing localoutbreaks from becoming national emergencies and regional pandemics.
that is why today is about more than speeches and pledges – it is a chance to forge apartnership for a better future – a future that is full of opportunity and free of ebola.
our task is also to learn from our shortcomings and translate the lessons learned from this crisisin building back better. to do anything less would compound the tragedy.
i particularly welcome who"s lessons learned process and its plans for reform. just this week,who welcomed the report from the independent ebola interim assessment panel. who hasindicated that it is already moving forward to implement a number of the panel"srecommendations.
in addition, i have appointed a high-level panel on the global response to health crises,headed by his e_cellency president kikwete of the united republic of tanzania.
the panel is now working on the pressing question of how to strengthen national andinternational systems to prevent and manage future health crises. i look forward to itsrecommendations.
more broadly, we have to learn from the ebola outbreak responding to the crisis phase is notenough. with any outbreak, we have to do more than end the caseload. we must lay thefoundation for true health security by going the e_tra distance – as we pledge today – tocreate strong health systems that can prevent any recurrence and withstand any futureoutbreak.
presidents condé, koroma and johnson sirleaf have shown admirable statesmanship.
thanks to your support, we can largely be proud of what we have achieved in responding to thisunprecedented crisis.
yet we cannot breathe a sigh of relief – instead, let us collectively take a deep breath andresolve to finish the job.
i call on you to be part of this historic push to end the ebola outbreak in west africa andsupport the leaders and people of guinea, liberia and sierra leone in returning to a path ofsustainable development.
together, let us jumpstart a robust recovery over the ne_t two years, and usher in a betterfuture for generations to come.
thank you for your support and leadership. thank you very much.
國際英語演講稿 模板5
1.welcome to the international culture camp being held in this beautiful location of the sun moon lake.歡迎參加在日月潭這么美的地方舉行的世界文化營。
2.i want to welcome you all here today and give a few words of advice to you.歡迎大家今天來到這里,我想給大家?guī)c建議。
3.please keep your cabins clean at all time.請隨時把小屋子保持干凈。
4.it is advisable not to miss any meals, as this country air will stimulate you appetites.這兒的鄉(xiāng)間空氣會促進(jìn)食欲,建議你們不要錯過任何一餐。
5.1.i want to take a few moments to welcome the 10 young americans who have come all the way from the states to help out with this camp here.我想花一點點時間來對遠(yuǎn)從美國來的十位年輕人表示歡迎,他們來為我們這個營提供協(xié)助。
6.it is my privilege, on behalf the camp leaders, to bid our foreign guests a hearty welcome.我很榮幸代表營區(qū)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人對我們的外賓表示衷心的歡迎之意。
7.1.allow me to conclude by bidding all the foreign delegates a hearty welcome once more, and by wishing all of you the best of luck.最后我再一次對國外代表表示由衷的歡迎,并祝大家萬事如意。
8.i hope you have a fine time in taiwan, and i hope you make many new friends.我希望你們在臺灣玩得愉快,并交到很多新朋友。
9.it is my job to introduce the foreign guests who will be spending the week with us here.我的事是介紹與我們在此共度這個星期的外賓。
10.thank you all for coming and taking part in our camp.感謝大家來參加我們這個營。
11.i have been chosen by the camp staff and the chinese campers to say a few words of thanks to you for your participation here in the last three days.我被營干部和中國伙伴推選出來講幾句話,感謝大家這三天來的參與。
12. thank you once again for coming here.再一次謝謝你們光臨本地。
13.how can words e_press our gratitude!什么話也無法表達(dá)我們的感謝!
14.please accept this small gift, a plaque made by us and signed by all of the campers, as a token of our friendship.請接受我們這份小禮物,以象征我們的友誼,這是我們做的牌子,上面有我們營上伙伴每個人的簽名。
15.good-bye is a sad thing to say, but i must, so goodbye and i hope i’ll see you again.說再見是件感傷的事,但我又不得不說,所以再見了,我希望能再見到大家。
16.on behalf of the sponsors, i wish to apologize for any inconveniences that any of the participants, and especially the foreign guests, may have had to suffer in connection with hotel accommodations, meals, or transportation.對于所有參加者,尤其是外國客人,由于旅館的膳宿設(shè)備、餐點、或交通所造成的諸多不便,本人謹(jǐn)代表主辦者表示歉意。
國際英語演講稿 模板6
my name is tiffany, a year 2 student from the university of macau. i am currently an active member of the university public speaking team, president of the honours college student association, and also the vice president of the event department in marketing society. i am very active and outgoing. i enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that i can understand them more. i like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-confidence. aside from public speaking, i am also good at english recitation. i have joined the macao-wide english individual recitation for a number of times when i was studying in the secondary school.
imagine a car without a steering wheel. tough to imagine, right? well, actually that’s the image you see if a person has no faith. faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost.
in this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already well-planned and determined. what we have to do is to follow. yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when compared to those in the past. we do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives.
it is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. in the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a smoother area so we can pass. the road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over. when we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden turn or a large boulder that may appear any second. however, when we drive on a highway, everything becomes different. the road is smooth, straight, and visible. since there is no unseen obstacle, we may lower our guard, rela_ a bit, and loosen our grip on the steering wheel. one may even think, if we only have to drive on a smooth straight road like this highway, why would we need a steering wheel?
nevertheless, one cannot foresee the future. accidents do happen. for e_ample, a car may suddenly appear in front of you. at such times, if you did not have the steering wheel, how could you make a sudden turn? just as no one could foresee the sichuan earthquake nor the japan tsunami. if the one being trapped under the debris did not have faith, he/she would not have survived until being rescued. if we did not have faith, we could not recover from our sadness and rebuild our home.
faith is unique, just as happiness is. we feel happy for different reasons, we believe for different things. how can we know what we believe in? recall the last time you are discouraged, and you felt you had lost all hopes in your life. what pulled you back into the world? what pushed you to stand up and continue to strive again? that is your faith, your belief. faith is what makes you feel you can when others say you can’t.
faith is important…, faith is vital…, faith is necessary for us to live our lives. if we do not have faith, we are like a car without a steeling wheel. we can only afford to move along a straight and smooth path, and cannot meet any challenge in our lives. one must understand that no matter how smooth the road is, it is impossible for a car to go without a steering wheel. or, put it in another way, have you ever seen a car without a steering wheel on the road? so, act now, my friends, find out what you believe in, find out your anchor in your life, hold on to your steeling wheel
of your car, drive on, and reach your destination.
thank you very much.
國際英語演講稿 模板7
all languages are linked through their origins and borrowing, but each is a unique source of meaning for understanding, writing and e_pressing reality.
mother languages are special in providing the material with which the world is first voiced, the lens through which it is first understood. international mother language day is a moment to recognize their importance and to mobilise for multilingualism and linguistic diversity.
mother languages, along with linguistic diversity, matter for the identity of individuals. as sources of creativity and vehicles for cultural e_pression, they are also important for the health of societies. not least, languages are factors for development and growth. we know how important education in the mother language is for learning outcomes. mother language instruction is a powerful way to fight discrimination and reach out to marginalised populations. as wellsprings of knowledge, languages are also starting points for greater sustainability in development, for managing more harmoniously our relationship with the environment and change.
multilingualism opens fabulous opportunities for the dialogue that is necessary to understanding and cooperation. mother languages live harmoniously with the acquisition of other languages. a plural linguistic space allows the wealth of diversity to put in common. it accelerates the e_change of knowledge and e_perience. this was one of the core themes of the 2024, international year for the rapprochement of cultures. building on the mother language, the learning of multiple languages must be a pillar of 21st century education.
多語言使用為理解與合作所必需的對話創(chuàng)造了絕佳的機會。母語與掌握其他語言并行不悖。語言多元化的環(huán)境讓人們共享多樣化的財富,促進(jìn)知識與經(jīng)驗的交流。這是 2024 國際文化和睦年的核心主題。在母語的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)多種語言必須成為 21 世紀(jì)教育的一個支柱。
at the same time, we can do more to support the balanced development of translation, as a channel to open to all the great diversity of knowledge and e_perience throughout the world.
the theme of the 2024 international mother language day concerns the use of information and communication technologies for safeguarding and promoting languages and linguistic diversity.
languages provide the software for information and communication technologies. these technologies are also a new frontier for promoting linguistic diversity. unesco is committed to promoting multilingualism on the internet. these goals guide unesco in its work with the internet corporation for assigned names and numbers.
innovative technologies provide new ways also to follow, e_amine and learn languages. the success of the online edition of unesco’s atlas of the world’s languages in danger shows the power of the internet to track the state of languages and multilingualism, and to raise awareness with a global audience.
information and communication technologies can be especially useful in promoting mother languages. we must harness the power of progress to protect diverse visions of the world and to promote all sources of knowledge and forms of e_pression. these are the threads that weave the tapestry of humanity’s story. the innovation, fle_ibility and social interaction that lie at the heart of new information and communication technologies can support these goals. on this international mother language day, let us pledge to work together in this direction.
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i have been reflecting deeply about my presidency and about the forty years in which my life has been ine_tricably bound to fifa and the great sport of football. i cherish fifa more than anything and i want to do only what is best for fifa and for football. i felt compelled to stand for re-election, as i believed that this was the best thing for the organisation. that election is over, but fifa"s challenges are not. fifa needs a profound overhaul.
while i have a mandate from the membership of fifa, i do not feel that i have a mandatefrom the entire world of football – the fans, the players, the clubs, the people who live, breatheand love football as much as we all do at fifa.
therefore, i have decided to lay down my mandate at an e_traordinary elective congress. iwill continue to e_ercise my functions as fifa president until that election.
the ne_t ordinary fifa congress will take place on 13 may 2024 in me_ico city. this wouldcreate unnecessary delay and i will urge the e_ecutive committee to organise ane_traordinary congress for the election of my successor at the earliest opportunity. this willneed to be done in line with fifa"s statutes and we must allow enough time for the bestcandidates to present themselves and to campaign.
since i shall not be a candidate, and am therefore now free from the constraints that electionsinevitably impose, i shall be able to focus on driving far-reaching, fundamental reforms thattranscend our previous efforts. for years, we have worked hard to put in place administrativereforms, but it is plain to me that while these must continue, they are not enough.
the e_ecutive committee includes representatives of confederations over whom we have nocontrol, but for whose actions fifa is held responsible. we need deep-rooted structuralchange.
the size of the e_ecutive committee must be reduced and its members should be electedthrough the fifa congress. the integrity checks for all e_ecutive committee members mustbe organised centrally through fifa and not through the confederations. we need term limitsnot only for the president but for all members of the e_ecutive committee.
i have fought for these changes before and, as everyone knows, my efforts have been blocked.this time, i will succeed.
i cannot do this alone. i have asked domenico scala to oversee the introduction andimplementation of these and other measures. mr. scala is the independent chairman of ouraudit and compliance committee elected by the fifa congress. he is also the chairman of thead hoc electoral committee and, as such, he will oversee the election of my successor. mr.scala enjoys the confidence of a wide range of constituents within and outside of fifa andhas all the knowledge and e_perience necessary to help tackle these major reforms.
it is my deep care for fifa and its interests, which i hold very dear, that has led me to take thisdecision. i would like to thank those who have always supported me in a constructive andloyal manner as president of fifa and who have done so much for the game that we all love.what matters to me more than anything is that when all of this is over, football is the winner.
國際英語演講稿 模板9
preface:this article is about international workers" day on may 1 and sometimes called may day. see may day for the traditional spring holiday.
may 1 is international labor day, working people all over the world this is our own holiday. today, we stand under the bright red flag with five stars, it should be and how to celebrate this great memory glorious holiday it?
1886 may 1, the government of the united states deployed a large number of the bourgeois army and police brutally suppressed the chicago workers to improve working conditions and the struggle for the assembly. this shows that for the working class not to say that the status of the owner, is to improve the basic living conditions will be subjected to bloody repression. the may 1 international labor day, is designed to mobilize and unite the proletariat and working people all over the world, to fight for their freedom, liberation, for the ultimate realization of the rights of the masters of unremitting struggle.
china"s proletariat and the broad masses of working people in china under the leadership of the communist party, after arduous struggle, so that the masters of the dream become a reality, the people become the masters of the state and society, enjoy a wide range of democratic rights in order to master the spirit of into the great cause of socialist construction in the go. our socialist motherland is showing a vigorous, full of vigorous activity, high-spirited attitude to stride into the ne_t century.
us - as a cross-century generation of builders and successors, will be duty-bound to stir up the socialist modernization construction of the burden of power to the attitude of ownership into the construction of the homeland to the great cause. as a secondary school, from an early age should establish a sense of ownership, interest in national affairs, love for their homes, and foster long-term aspirations, the future of their own destiny with the homeland combine to become the ideal has a vision there is there is a noble ambition quality people. the feelings of our labor to cultivate and develop work habits, value labor, and actively take part in the activities of social practice. of course, the most important thing is to study hard scientific and cultural knowledge, a solid grasp the skill-building for the future prosperity of our country and lay a good foundation! this is the "51" international day of commemoration of the best.
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throughout my life, i’ve been inspired by the courage, success and determination of somany women - friends, family and colleagues.
international women’s day is a chance for all of us to shout loudly and together in supportof greater equality, wherever it’s needed. and, since 2024, the coalition has been focused onmaking britain a fairer society: where everyone – no matter what their gender, background orcircumstances, can succeed.
this includes introducing shared parental leave. so, from april ne_t year, mothers who wantto return to work early after having a baby can and their partners will be able to use theirremaining leave and pay. we’re improving access to affordable, high-quality childcare to helpthose families most feeling the squeeze.
and we’re also changing the pension system so that it is fairer for women, and haveintroduced a ta_ cut that’s helping put money back in the pockets of millions of women. inaddition, we’re working to get more women into the boardroom, and encouraging all thosefemale entrepreneurs with a good idea to start their own companies.
more widely, we are working across the world to ensure more women and girls have greaterchoice and control over their own lives. we’re helping to get more young girls into school,fighting to banish horrific practices such as female genital mutilation and working to improvewomen’s access to justice.
i’m determined to keep going further - both in my own party and in government.
that’s my commitment for this international women’s day and beyond. together, we canmake a difference – locally, nationally and globally – ensuring everyone has an equal shot at thehappy, healthy and successful life that they want.